اعلنت شركة سيمنز الالمانيه عن فرص عمل للشباب المصرى من خريجى الدبلومات والمعاهد تخصص الهندسه الالكترونيه او الكهربائيه من المعاهد او المدارس الفنيه على ان يكون السن ما بين 18-22 سنه
ترسل السيره الذاتيه عبر الايميل التالى
Are you an Egyptian graduate of Mechatronics or Electrical/Electronic engineering from a technical school or institution? Are you between the age 18-22? Do you want to be 1 of 4 Egyptians who will earn a 3.5 years scholarship program in Vocational Education Training in Berlin-Germany? Do you want to get a guaranteed employment in Siemens Egypt? If the answer is yes, please send us your updated CV to: careergateway.mea@siemens.com and type “Apprenticeship@Siemens” in the subject. Deadline for submission is March 31st, 2017.